[CUCBC Captains] Getting on Race

Julian Granger-Bevan julian at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 3 21:02:36 UTC 2010

Dear Captains,

The Getting-on Race is tomorrow afternoon. A reminder of the key points:

- River closure for non-racing crews from 1630 until 1845.
- Row-throughs allowed, but please let me know to expect you.
- Combined men/women's hour after racing until 2000.

For competing crews:

- Please recheck the start orders at http://www.cucbc.org/mays/gor.
- Division 1 crews should marshal at Baitsbite, pulled into the bank
in order facing upstream (ready to push out and race).
- Division 2 crews should marshal at Chesterton. Please try to be
roughly in order - with the top of the division (mens crews) nearer to
the Railway Bridge. The aim is then that crews row down in race order,
spinning in turn near Baitsbite and rowing back up in order towards
the start.
- Crews that are late will be disqualified.

- The course is from the Little Bridge to the finishing post 78 yards
downstream of the Railway Bridge. The Little Bridge is marked by a
post - please ask the marshals if you are not sure which post this is.
- Crews should do a rolling start before the line. Timing starts on the line.

- Standard rules apply. For example there will be crews rowing in the
opposite direction for crews rowing to the start of division 2, so
stick on the correct navigational side.
- Also crews need to remember the basics such as lifejackets.

I would suggest that captains forward this email to the bank parties
so that they know the basic information and can guide any
inexperienced crews.



On 19 May 2010 14:53, Julian Granger-Bevan <julian at cucbc.org> wrote:
> Dear Captains,
> As you may have seen already, the start order for Mays and the list of
> crews needing to row the Getting-on Race is now available on the
> website.
> The Getting-on Race will take place on Friday 4th June, with mixed
> divisions going off at 5pm and 6pm.
> These are arranged so that they will hopefully not conflict with exams
> as much as possible. If you wish to request a particular division for
> you crew, please feel free to do so, but obviously this can only be
> worked around to a certain extent so to have roughly even numbers of
> crews in both divisions.
> As this clashes with the evening hours, we will do as previous years
> and have a combined mens/womens hour from the end of the GoR until
> 8pm.
> If you are eligible to go over the lock, it will be fine to row
> through between divisions, but please let me know in advance so that I
> know who to expect, and be aware that you'll have to follow marshals
> instructions.
> We will need a few people to help out with running the race - if you
> could help umpire the Getting-on Race - please email me at
> julian[at]cucbc.org.
> Many thanks,
> Julian
> CUCBC Webteam

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