[CUCBC Captains] Exceptionals

Julian Granger-Bevan julian at cucbc.org
Tue Apr 27 13:31:17 UTC 2010

Dear Captains,

We're starting to get questions about eligibility for bumps - and we'd
like your views on how we interpret some of the rules.

Rule 4b of the regulations for racing states:

"In all other CUCBC events, with the exception of the Magdalene Silver
Pairs and Lowe Double Sculls, the crew, including the coxswain, must
be members of the same College; save that in the case where members of
a College want to row or steer, but their College Boat Club has no
relevant boat in training, then they may, at the discretion of the
Executive Committee, be allowed to row or steer for another named Club
in their lowest boat. Having chosen one such Club they must row or
steer for this Club only while their College Boat Club continues to
have no boat of its own. "
- (http://www.cucbc.org/handbook/racing/general)

We'd appreciate it if you'd be able to think about the following
questions of implementation and reply (today or tomorrow) so that we
can get the gist of where we should be drawing the line when
considering requests for permission for exceptionals. This
deliberately isn't a formal vote or rule change - but we'd like to
know that we're applying the rules in a manner that represents common
understanding, and to be able to provide more detailed guidelines up
front about where we'd draw the line in certain situations. The basis
that we're coming from is that it is the responsibility of each club
to train up both rowers and coxes, and if they fail to do so then they
should not expect an automatic right to fill the gaps from elsewhere.

1) Would you support an explicit limit of one cox per club (men's and
womens' clubs separately) from a different college?
- In the past, more have been allowed, but we feel that this would be
a more accurate implementation of the rule as it currently stands.

2) Would you support an explicit statement that students from other
colleges must not displace a home rower / cox by doing so?

3) Occasional previous cases have allowed coxes from other colleges to
be allocated to a higher (not lowest) crew, usually relating to
safety. Do you support this?

4) Would you support an explicit statement that exceptionals of any
type are not permitted to compete in a club's representative (first)
crew, unless the club only has one crew?
- The rule which we work off for this is Rule 1c of the regulations for racing.

5) Would you support an explicit limit to the number of student rowers
from other colleges allowed in a club's lowest crew? If so, how many?

Many thanks,


CUCBC Webteam

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