[CUCBC Captains] Flags

PETER CONVEY peter.convey at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 27 10:19:17 UTC 2009

Dear all

I've been asked to remind of this request


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Richard Pryce-Jones <dick at cubc.org.uk>
To: PETER CONVEY <peter.convey at btinternet.com>; committee <committee at cucbc.org>; G.E.G. Moon <gegm2 at cam.ac.uk>
Cc: seniorcommittee at cucbc.org
Sent: Sunday, 27 September, 2009 10:10:34 AM
Subject: Captains' Meeting

‘flags at half mast’ request has come from the Bishop, relayed to
me via Donald Legget.  Don’t know where Donald picked this up, but
we at Goldie were already flying the flag at half mast and my task this morning
is/was to ensure that all the town and college BCs will be doing so today, if
not all day then at least from 1500 to c1730, when the Bishop and V-C have
walked by.  
Important that
all people responsible for hoisting the college and town Boat Club flags know
this, and ALL are at half mast (i.e., 6’ below the masthead).  Pete,
can you push around a reminder to Captains, Boatmen, Senior Treasurers and all
others who can make it happen?
The Goldie flag
will remain at half mast until the funeral, night and day.  This may not
be practicable for College BCs.
Many thanks,
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