[CUCBC Captains] CUBC Hon Sec Elections

Karla Borland cubc at cucbc.org
Wed May 27 11:25:37 UTC 2009

Hi All,

The CUBC Hon Sec elections will be held after the Bumps meeting on Sunday
7th June.

If you'd like to run for the role can you send me the following -

a) A short manifesto - no more than 1 page A4
b) The name(s) of your proposer and, if you choose to have one, seconder,
along with their college. Your proposer and seconder can be any member of
any mens boat club and may be either male or female.

People eligible to vote are:

CUBC President
Me (Either the President or I will get a casting vote, depending who chairs)
CUBC Blues and Goldie colours in residence
CUWBC President
CULRC President
Mens Captains (1 vote per club)

Unless I find evidence that says I should do otherwise, voting will be by
single transferrable vote as per the University Ordanances, thus each ballot
paper will also contain the option to re-open nominatons.

I hope all this is clear!

 In the mean time, please do get back to me if you have any questions.


CUBC Honorary Secretary
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