[CUCBC Captains] Getting-On Race - details and river closure

Thomas Walton cuwbc at cucbc.org
Tue May 26 12:33:51 UTC 2009

Dear all,

The May Bumps Getting-On Race will take place next Friday 5 June,
starting at 5.45pm.  Crews should be marshalled at Baitsbite Lock at
5.30pm, men's crews on the towpath side facing upstream and women's
crews on the far side facing downstream.  Details of crews needing to
get on can be found at http://www.cucbc.org/mays/gor : a start order
will be posted there in due course.  The race is timed from the Little
Bridge to the post just below the Railway Bridge (approximately 2km),
with a rolling start.

The river will therefore be closed below the Penny Ferry between
5.30pm and approximately 6.45pm (although we hope to finish racing
slightly before this).  Evening hours will be combined on that day:
both men's and women's crews permitted in normal evening hours will be
allowed to use the river between the end of racing and 8pm (eights
only please).

Announcements about May Bumps can be found online at
http://www.cucbc.org/mays/news .

Good luck to all competitors,

CUCBC Secretary

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