[CUCBC Captains] River closure this Sunday

Thomas Walton cuwbc at cucbc.org
Thu May 21 21:41:44 UTC 2009

Dear all,

The river will be closed this Sunday below Chesterton between 13.00
and the end of racing (approximately 17.45) for the Cambridge Nines
Spring Regatta.  However, first boats and boats in the top two Mays
divisions (M1/M2/W1/W2) will be able to row through divisions to go
over the lock if they cooperate with the race organisers.  Crews
wishing to do this should arrive at the Penny Ferry about 20 minutes
before divisions start.  Division times are 1.30pm, 2.15pm, 3pm, 4pm
and 4.45pm.

Crews will need to go over the lock as race marshalling will mean
there is insufficient water upstream of the lock. Crews MUST give
narrowboats and other river users priority in the area around
Baitsbite Lock (particularly for mooring), as there were complaints
about this earlier in the year.

For crews wishing to row through, please contact Jon Anderson (cced)
if you have any questions.


CUCBC Secretary

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