[CUCBC Captains] excpetionals and town rowers - reminder

PETER CONVEY peter.convey at btinternet.com
Tue May 19 14:38:13 UTC 2009

Dear all

following on from my message last week, I'm aware that there is still 'gossip' as to whether all exceptionals and town rowers are being declared as required. Worth remembering that having someone 'called' and found ineligible in the run up to the races or on the day is likely to result in them and possibly their crew being disqualified!

With reference to individuals who also row for town clubs, the 'pared down' version of the current eligilibity practice, albeit still with grey areas, is:

- during any given Full Term such individuals should not train regularly or seriously with the town club, and should not race except as a bona fide sub (which should normally be notified to us as soon as it happens) with a town club.
- they should not use town club membership to row in crews or as scullers in time periods during which student restrictions apply on the Cam (ie basically, in dedicated evening hours, weekend mornings, in the dark).

If either of these stipulations are breached then the person becomes ineligible for a college crew in any CUCBC event that term.

It is generally acceptable for a person to row occasionally for a town club, to join a town club in order to scull (if their college does not have appropriate boats, and as long as they obey termtime student time and vessel restrictions if they intend to compete for their college), or if they learnt to row locally before coming up to College (ie they can then have dual membership without limitation). For the sake of having to make a pragmatic decision, if someone who has been a student subsequently is employed in the Cambridge area and rows for a town club, and then returns to be a (postgrad) student at a later date (ie NOT simply after the University holidays), then I am prepared to consider them in the same light as the latter case.

While there is clearly now a need to bring a set of proposals and alternatives to captains to decide acceptable and non-acceptable categories of exceptional rowers here, this will not be done in advance of this Mays, and hence the above will apply.

I'd also again remind that ARA is currently enforcing eligibility requirements more stringently (it is not simply a case that they will let you join as many clubs as you feel is convenient!), that CRA currently does not as standard permit students who have competed in the Mays to compete in their summer races, and that other rivers with analogous situations (eg schools and town clubs in Bedford) impose similar restrictions during termtime.

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