[CUCBC Captains] Friday notes and fines

Thomas Walton cuwbc at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 13 07:59:10 UTC 2009

Dear all,

Apologies for the lateness of this email.  Please remember that all
races today are TWO HOURS earlier than other days.


Notes from the Umpires

- There are quite a few narrow boats and cruisers around at the
minute. Crews must follow the rules of the river on their way down to
the start i.e. stay on the correct side.
- Make sure bikes are not left obstructing the towpath when crews bump out.
- Tea and cakes are available on the towpath just downstream of control.
- Coxes should not swap with rowers on the way home: dangerous rowing
home will be penalised.
- Sandwich boats should spin before parking at the P&E.
- Particular attention will be paid to excessive bank parties today:
there is a maximum of four cyclists with each crew, including boatmen
and VIPs.

Fines: (appeals to Ian Thompson by 0900 on Tuesday)

Caius M1 Excessive Bank Party £15
Christ's M1 Excessive Bank Party £15
Churchill M3 Foul and Abusive Language £20
Churchill W2 Excessive Bank Party £15
Downing W3 Dangerous coxing £25
Downing W3 No lifejacket £50
Emma M3 Late Concession £20
Emma W5 Dropped Bung £15
FTT Obstruction towards umpire £40
Girton W3 Excessive Bank Party £15
Homerton W2 Excessive Bank Party £15
Jesus M1 Excessive Bank Party £15
Jesus M4 Late Marshalling £20
Jesus M5 Late Marshalling £20
Kings W1 Excessive Bank Party £15
Kings M1 Excessive Bank Party £15
LMBC M1 Excessive Bank Party £15
Magdalene W3 Foul and Abusive Language £20
Newnham W3 Early Celebration £40
Pembroke M3 Late Marshalling £20
Sidney Sussex M4 Foul and Abusive Language £20
Trinity Hall Excessive Bank Party £15

Boatman stealing Bumps Programme £2.50
Christs W2 Inappropriate headgear
Jesus M3 Bad hats 20p each
Pembroke W3 Offensive Leggings

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