[CUCBC Captains] Important Information

Ian Thompson seniortreasurer at cucbc.org
Mon Jun 8 16:02:20 UTC 2009

I'm now able to confirm that, as reported to Captains last night, the
following arrangements have been made this year;


There will be six port-a-loo units on Stourbridge Common near the
marshalling area, and two units at Baits Bite Lock.  The Penny Ferry,
although closed, is being opened specially during Bumps, and the licensee is
happy for rowers and bank party members to use the loos in the pub.  I have
been trying to get agreement for loos on the Common from the Council since
last Mays, but they only confirmed this would be ok today.  This means that
there really is no reason for anyone to have to use the bushes on the common
as a toilet, so please tell your crews not to.  Fines equivalent to the
Police 'on the spot fine' for such an offence (£80) will be charged to clubs
for anyone seen doing so.


Please tell you supporters that the Penny Ferry will be open with a limited
stock of snacks, soft drinks and beer on each afternoon of Bumps, and that
the Plough will be providing a full catering service for Bumps supporters
throughout the week.  Support for both would be much appreciated.


There will be two large bins at Grassy and wheelie bins at the Gun
Shed.  Please make sure that starting stations are not left littered with
plastic bottles after the start of every race.  If the crew can't take them
home in the boat, makes sure a member of the Bank Party picks them up.
Plastic bottles are one of the biggest litter problems evidenced on the


I received a report from the Conservators this morning that, since the 'spin
here' sign in Baits Bite Reach was stolen a few weeks ago, bad habits have
crept back in,  I have seen a list detailing thirty or forty crews that have
carried on and spun either in front of Mr & Mrs Russell's boat or even
closer to the boom at the weir.  The spinning point was marked after a crew
got stuck on the boom as doing so is really dangerous.  A boat capsizing
there would undoubtedly result in people being swept under the boom and into
the weir.  Coxes, please make sure you spin at or just before the wooden
boat shed in the Baits Bite reach.  This is primarily for your crews'



The state of play when I was down at the river around lunch time was that
the female and her cygnets and been coralled into the cut between First Post
and the Gut (just next to the summer house going upstream).  The intention
is to close the cut with plastic netting/fencing for the duration of racing
each day.  We will keep this situation monitored on a division by division
basis and ensure that SUs and JUs are aware of what is going on so that they
can keep coxes briefed before the start of each division.
Any more news on this will be passed to you asap.

Best wishes,


Ian Thompson
Senior Treasurer, CUCBC
King's College
Cambridge CB2 1ST
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