[CUCBC Captains] Cambridge Sports Lake

Ian Thompson seniortreasurer at cucbc.org
Sun Jun 7 12:38:35 UTC 2009

Dear All,

The attached document is from the Sports Lake Trust and refers to recent
developments out at Milton.  We'll talk about this briefly at this
afternoon's CUCBC meeting, but it is something that you may wish to make
incoming Captains aware of.

In connection with the CUBC meeting that will follow the CUCBC Captains'
Meeting, men's Captains are entitled to attend and vote at this meeting, as
notified earlier by Karla.  Apart from the election of the CUBC Hon Sec, the
major item of business will be the revised CUBC constitution.  This was sent
to you electronically by Karla a few days ago.

Best wishes,


Ian Thompson
Senior Treasurer, CUCBC
King's College
Cambridge CB2 1ST
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