[CUCBC Captains] Exceptional Rowers - CULRC and CUWBC spares

Christopher Kerr culrc at cucbc.org
Thu Jan 22 14:55:44 UTC 2009

Firstly, a reminder that the deadline for declaring rowers not in statu 
pupillari for Lent Bumps is tomorrow, Friday 23rd January.

We've had a couple of queries about University Spares rowing in Bumps. 
Official Spares still count as University Triallists, and are therefore not 
allowed to compete in the Lent Bumps (under Rule 20) without the permission of 
both the CUCBC and the University Club President concerned. 
This permission has traditionally been granted to CUWBC and CULRC spares, and 
tomorrow's deadline does not apply. I will ensure that all CULRC spares are 
granted the necessary permission, without you needing to request it; any 
captain wishing to enter a CUWBC spare into Bumps should request permission on 
learning of the selection decision (unless informed that permission has 
already been granted). 

Christopher Kerr
St Catharine's College
Cambridge CB2 1RL

CULRC Hon: Sec: 2008-09

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