[CUCBC Captains] Reminder: Newnham Short Course

Louise Stenfors Virenfeldt els51 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 21 22:33:09 UTC 2009

Dear all,

A big THANK YOU to all clubs that have returned their entry forms (and  
cheques!) for Newnham Short Course. To everyone that has not yet done  
so: HURRY UP and get that paperwork done! Crews have been set,  
training's started and the deadline for entering the race is fast  
approaching - all entry forms and cheques (including payment for the  
party of the season, 'Naughty and Nautical') must be returned by  

The race on SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 runs from the A14 Road Bridge to the  
Railings and is a head-race with a standing start.

There will be 4 divisions, starting at 12.45 with 45 minute  
intervals:  1st women's VIII, 1st men's VIII,  lower women's VIII,  
lower men's VIII.

The prize ceremony will take place at the NCBC 'Naughty and Nautical'  
event, 8 PM on Saturday, January 31. All-you-can-drink for boaties and  
non-boaties alike for £6 per head!

Please return race entry forms and cheques for the Short Course and   
'Naughty and Nautical', made payable to 'Newnham College Boat Club' to  
my pigeon hole ( E. L. Stenfors Virenfeldt) at Newnham College by  
FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. Forms may also be returned via email (els51 at cam.ac.uk 

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further  

Kind regards,

Louise Stenfors Virenfeldt
NCBC Captain 2008 - 2009
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