[CUCBC Captains] Captains' Meeting - reminder

Thomas Walton cuwbc at cucbc.org
Sun Jan 4 23:36:53 UTC 2009

A reminder that the first Captains' Meeting of Lent Term will be on
Monday 12 January, 5pm at Goldie.  The minutes of the last meeting are
on the CUCBC website at http://www.cucbc.org/minutes so please read
them and mention any corrections either in advance or at the meeting.
If you have any agenda items then please send them to me by Friday.

We are having some email problems with CUCBC accounts at the moment -
if you receive an error message when emailing me or the committee,
please forward your message to me at tjw66 at cam.ac.uk and I will make
sure we receive it.  Hopefully these problems will be sorted out in
the next day or two.


CUCBC Secretary

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