[CUCBC Captains] CUR1350 Bumps Web Button & Getting Involved

Simon Ruggles simon.ruggles at cur1350.co.uk
Sun Feb 15 22:35:46 UTC 2009

Hi All,


CUR1350, The Official Radio Station of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin
Universities is once again covering the action at Lent Bumps 2009.


We have an updated Bumps web button which links back through to our results
and updates service. I would really appreciate it if you could display it
somewhere on your website!


The code you will need is included below:


<a href="http://www.cur1350.co.uk"><img
style="border:none" width="234" height="121" /></a>


We are also looking for boaties who are not already tied up with Bumps and
who might want to get involved in commentating or providing punditry!
CUR1350 will provide full training and it looks great on your CV. If you
know anyone in your respective Boat Clubs (past or present boaties), please
don't hesitate to get in touch via committee at cur1350.co.uk!



Many Thanks and Good Luck for Lents!




Head of Publicity
CUR1350 - The Radio Station of Cambridge and Anglia Ruksin Universities

Simon.Ruggles at cur1350.co.uk
+44 (0)7951 681379
CUR1350, Churchill College, Cambridge. CB3 0DS.


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