[CUCBC Captains] Fw: Dangerous Swan

PETER CONVEY peter.convey at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 4 19:28:04 UTC 2009

please be aware of this


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Philippa Noon <river.manager at camconservators.org.uk>
To: billkey65 at hotmail.com; PETER CONVEY <peter.convey at btinternet.com>; Ian Thompson <seniortreasurer at cucbc.org>; camrow at ukonline.co.uk
Sent: Saturday, 4 April, 2009 5:05:20 PM
Subject: FW: Dangerous Swan

Dear All
Please could you inform your club members that we have a 'rogue' swan on the
river near Ditton Corner/Plough Reach. I believe it is one of a nesting pair
that has developed a bad temper. Bill, did you mention this at the City
Moorings Meeting on Wednesday 1 April? Liz Sheehan (narrowboat 'Rosie')
called into the office on Friday afternoon and said that one of the swans
near the Plough had taken on an attitude. Presumably it's the same one.

-----Original Message-----
From: A.O. Marron [mailto:am543 at hermes.cam.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Alan Marron
Sent: 03 April 2009 21:20
To: river.manager at camconservators.org.uk
Subject: Dangerous Swan


The swan on Plough Reach has become very dangerous. This evening just 
before 8:00 it flew around Ditton Corner to attack me in my single, causing 
me to capsize. The swan could not see me when it took off and I was moving 
away from Ditton, and it landed on my rigger and attacked me with its beak. 
I was in the middle of the river, away from any banks or reeds so I could 
not have been threatening any nest. If the swan continues to be this 
aggressive, especially with more juniors on the river at the weekends, then 
there will be more cases like mine and there may be injuries.

Thank you
Alan Marron
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