[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: CUCBC Handbook

Ian Thompson seniortreasurer at cucbc.org
Sat Sep 27 13:22:37 UTC 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ian Thompson <seniortreasurer at cucbc.org>
Date: Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 2:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: CUCBC Handbook
To: Safety <safety at lists.cucbc.org>

Dear All,

Major revisions have been made during the summer to the way that the
information published by CUCBC is presented.  The objective is to make
things much more easily accessible, especially in relation to the rules of
the river.  The result is a series of smaller booklets, aimed at particular
people.  These are attached, and are also available online via the CUCBC

Obviously, the most important for members of the club are the revised ten
golden rules, and the associated Rules of the River, and Captains, Boatmen
and WSOs are asked to ensure that everyone is aware of these, and where to
find them on the web.

Printed copies can be made available on request, and Captains are asked to
let me know asap if their Boatman does not have access to the internet or
e-mail at the Boathouse.

The documents are attached.  We have tried to ensure they are correct, so
please let me know if you spot any typos or inconsistencies.  Material
changes to rules can only be made by the Captains after due process.

Best wishes,


Ian Thompson
Senior Treasurer, CUCBC
King's College
Cambridge CB2 1ST

Ian Thompson
Senior Treasurer, CUCBC
King's College
Cambridge CB2 1ST

Ian Thompson
Senior Treasurer, CUCBC
King's College
Cambridge CB2 1ST
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