[CUCBC Captains] OXBRIDGE Annual MBA competition

Romijn Basters rb496 at cam.ac.uk
Wed May 21 10:28:03 UTC 2008

Dear all,


The MBA candidates from Judge Business School and Oxford's SAID business
school are organising the yearly OXBRIDGE competition this Saturday 24 May.


One of the sport events is rowing, and we are planning to hold a 500m race
on the reach between 14:00 and 14:30.


We would like to ask fellow users of the river Cam to give us a short 5
minutes to do this race. Marshalls (Yellow fluorescent jackets) both
upstream and downstream will request you to remain stationary for a short


On behalf of the Oxbridge organisation committee, I would like to thank
everybody in advance for their cooperation.


Best regards,


Romijn Basters

MBA student 2007

Judge Business School

M: +44(0)7515 682805

E: rb496 at cam.ac.uk


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