[CUCBC Captains] Umpiring Mays

Laura Sutcliffe cubc at cucbc.org
Fri May 9 09:53:13 UTC 2008

Hi All,

First bite at this to Captains before I send to contacts.... Would anyone
like to come and umpire Mays this year?

Usual benefits package:
- Sexy bib
- Extreme cycling
- Free suncream. Free sunburn if you don't use it.
- Multiple office souvenirs from UBS
- Entertainment in the form of me flying off my bike at inopportune moments
- Bad chat
- Reduction in college marshaling quota (admittedly, this isn't strictly a
benefit to you...)
- Umpires dinner

Let me know if you're keen and I'll send you the link to the sign up sheet.
Please don't send me a detailed breakdown of your availability (no, I have
to take the rabbit to the vet that morning so W6 looks a bit shaky until
I've handed in my supervision work....), that's what the sign up sheet is

If you have any other questions, you know where to find me :)


CUBC Honorary Secretary
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