[CUCBC Captains] [CUCBC Coxes] Coxing Meeting absentees

Pete Convey pcon at bas.ac.uk
Mon Jun 9 07:21:43 UTC 2008

Dear all

further to Dave's e-mail, these coxes will need to confirm in writing that they have received AND READ the instructions distributed at the meeting before their crews will be permitted to compete.


>>> "Dave White" <coxing at cucbc.org> 06/08/08 10:11 PM >>>
Dear Captains and Coxes,

The following boats were not represented at either of the Coxes' Meetings:

Jesus M1
Downing M1
Wolfson M1
Robinson M2
Emmanuel M3
Hughes Hall M1
Darwin M2
St. Catharine's M3
Clare M3
Sidney Sussex M2
FaT M5

Caius W3

Unless you send me a very good reason for the above absenteeism (e.g. cox
got stuck on a train), then the club will be fined £10 for each occurrence.
We don't like to make a massive point of it but as you've seen from the
printing and distributing of hard copies of instructions, we really do have
to cover ourselves legally and ensure we've done everything we can to make
you guys safe.


Dave White
CUCBC Coxing Rep
coxing at cucbc.org

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