[CUCBC Captains] Bumps umpiring instruction documents

PETER CONVEY peter.convey at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 3 18:04:41 UTC 2008

Dear all

apologies for the mass mailing, but please find attached four documents relating to the detailed instructions that are issued to the various types of umpires that will be running the Mays.

This is being circulated to club captains and coxes lists to ensure all are aware of both the general procedures and, specifically, of the instructions that will be issued in the event of an 'emergency stop' being required during a racing division. Please note that the detail of the instructions has not changed, but that the need to circulate this information widely by this route has been necessitated by the incidents involving barges in the Lents.

The information will be repeated in the various briefings on Sun 8 June, but please ensure that your club members, including coaches, are aware of it. If you identify any issues requiring clarification, then please raise these with the Committee e-mail directly.

Pete Convey
CUCBC Chairman
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Name: Instructions for SU at Control 2008.doc
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Name: Instructions for umpires Mays 2008.doc
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Name: Marshall Instructions Mays 2008.doc
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