[CUCBC Captains] CUCBC Mailing Lists and Website Downtime

Will Richards will at cucbc.org
Sun Jul 27 13:08:38 UTC 2008

Dear All,
Two technical issues for your attention:

1) CUCBC Mailing Lists
2) CUCBC Website Downtime


As of September the address of CUCBC mailing lists will be changing from
listname at cucbc.org to listname at lists.cucbc.org.  The addition of the
".lists" part of the address is for various technical and spam avoidance
reasons.  The new addresses are already operational so please send any mail
to the new addresses:

boatmen at lists.cucbc.org
captains at lists.cucbc.org
contacts at lists.cucbc.org
coxes at lists.cucbc.org

The Exec Committee can still be contacted at committee at cucbc.org although
committee at lists.cucbc.org will also work.

The mailing list pages on the website will be updated with the new
information when the change occurs.


In about a months time the CUCBC.org website will be taken offline for about
a week.  This is so various software upgrades can be carried out during the
first week of September.  The site will be back up and running in plenty of
time for the start of term.  The CUCBC email and mailing list systems should
function normally during this time except for a few instances where mail may
be held up due to system reboots.

We have scheduled this work to be during the vacation and well before the
start of term to keep disruption to a minimum but please accept our
apologies for any inconvenience caused while this work is undertaken.

Questions/queries: webmaster at cucbc.org

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