[CUCBC Captains] Novice coaching

Nicholas Cutler ncc25 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jul 7 16:10:22 UTC 2008

To whom it may concern,

     Having previously written to CUCBC, and been advised by Peter Convey 
to repeat my request here, I am writing to enquire about the possibility 
of helping to coach novices within your club from next academic year.

     Overall, I have been involved in the sport for approximately fifteen 
years, having been awarded half-colours by my university club, later 
coaching novice crews while a postgraduate and subsequently on the Cam. 
During this time, the major part of my own personal experience has been as 
a single sculler training currentlywith Rob Roy BC.

     I am making this enquiry having reached the point in my own training 
where I feel that I wish to make a contribution to the sport which I have 
myself enjoyed. Having previously had some experience of coaching, I have 
found working with novices both important and personally rewarding, and 
therefore believe that I could make a real contribution. Similarly, as a 
member of staff within the University it seems natural that I should offer 
to help one of the colleges where I could offer some continuity in a club 
which may otherwise be dependent on the skills of undergraduates.

     If you feel that this would be a possibility, then I would be pleased 
to further discuss this with you. Similarly, of course, I understand that 
any coaching I did would be on a voluntary basis.

     In the hope that you can give some consideration to my request, I 

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Nicholas Cutler

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